Evan Chisholm
Mr. Waterhouse
Tyler Waterhouse is a new teacher at Judge this year teaching both statistics and algebra, and he is the definition of a mathlete. Along with being a stellar math teacher he is a world class runner, having participated in the Wasatch 100. The Wasatch 100 is exactly what is sounds like, a 100 mile trail endurance run all around the Wasatch basin. He’s started running after college and has been a fanatic ever since. He says he fell in love with running because, “it was easy, I didn’t need a lot of equipment, I didn’t need a lot of people, I just needed some sneakers and some shorts.” Mr. Waterhouse made the move from Waterford high school over to Judge Memorial over the summer and has enjoyed the laid back environment of the school. With less kids and less stress it’s a very positive work environment for Waterhouse to operate in. To learn more about Mr. Waterhouse and his move over Judge Memorial watch the interview put together by Jack Wood below.