Three main characters of “The Marvels”
To put it simply, the new “Marvels” movie was just not good. I was excited to see this movie, but when I walked out of the theater I was disappointed to say the least.
The movie didn’t have a lot to add to the overall MCU franchise and continues the downward trend in recent Marvel films. The change in directors combined with the miscellaneous plot made this feel nothing like the first “Captain Marvel” movie and not even close to its sequel.
I think that the franchise brought in Nia DaCosta for her unique perspective and to improve the mixed messages they received from the first film, but as I saw it was not a good idea. The direction in which the plot took the movie was a loop. After the climax it was hard to figure out what they had just accomplished. It just felt too plain and basic like your run-of-the-mill superhero sci-fi story with no real “umph” that you would expect from a Marvel movie. While it does its job for an easy going family movie, it was not extremely engaging.
The acting was also not phenomenal with Iman Vellani making her debut on the big screen while previously making features on different Marvel series as well as having her own series all on Disney +. The role she played was not a well thought out character and was overplayed into the chaos and drama of her teenage years.
The two other leads, Teyonah Parris and Brie Larson, were much better overall throughout the movie. It was not a good film and continues the disappointment that is the Marvel franchise “Phase 4.”