On Dec. 10-11 the Judge dance program had their annual winter dance concert.
This year all dances were based on Alice in Wonderland and was co-directed by dance teachers Ashley Mott and Nathan Shaw. There were 10 dances in all, one of them were choreographed by Shaw called “Blame Alice.” Guest choreographer Megan McCarthey did “Down the Rabbit Hole.” McCarthey has been a member of Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company since 2017.
Members of the senior class choreographed a number of dances: Sophia Andrews, Oliver Baende, John Clark, Dylan Cross, and Stella Sharp; Bianca Villanueva and Natalie Nuntapreda co-choreographed “March of the Cards.” Junior Elise Djagba choreographed “Fleeing the Flight,” and Leisandra De Vaca put together “You’re a MAD Hatter.”
Before each performance Mrs. Mott and Mr. Shaw went over the dances and told us what they were each about. The dances were all incredible and showed the distinct style of each person that performed.
Twenty-three girls and eight boys performed.