Maleah Macey
A graduate of the class of 1964 shares memories of his time at Judge. Over one thousand people attended the 100-year celebration.
After being postponed due to the Covid pandemic for the last two years, Judge finally got a chance to celebrate its 100th birthday on Saturday, Aug. 27. Here are some of the reactions from the alumni we talked to.
Tom Sweet, 1964: We won the football championship that year. And I went to the state meet in track in two events. So didn’t get me any more scholarship scholarships. So from track but I went to University of San Francisco on a scholarship, did four years there and got married my last year, went to Germany and went back to San Diego where my wife and I grew up.
Msgr Joseph Mayo: Judge was the only place for Catholics to go in those that both the grade school and knights so I can’t go all the all the years of schooling were at Judge. Lots of stories about judge and the students? The activities we had there were all kinds of good things that happened after graduation. Many of the graduates went on to do many wonderful things and become great doctors and nurses and professionals in many different fields.
Bishop Oscar Solis: I pray that all the students of Judge Memorial will be successful in their endeavors and that they carry the wonderful tradition and legacy of Judge Memorial.
Patrick Lambert JM ’67: when I when I first came here, and the auditorium was really new, and so it was exciting. People would come on to campus to take a look at it. And we started hosting really big events here and it kind of just brought this renewed life, I think to judge Memorial, which was really exciting to be a part of this place changed my life. Obviously, I’m here and you know, dedicating my life to it now and so it’s it was really exciting back then, and it’s really cool to see where you know how far it’s come and watching what our alumni are doing out there in the world. I think we keep tapping into this place where teachers teach, you know, this is a great education and focusing on you know, care for whole person. I also look at what we’re going to do as we build for the future, you know, this, this campus could dramatically change you know, with major facility you know, improvements and you know, ultimately hopefully the build of a new school and so, you know, and I think when we’re doing that we’re looking to build for the next generation of students, you know, for for my children and grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Rebecca Duberow: Well, I went to Cosgriff first of all. I started as St. Ann’s and when Cosgriff opened, I went to cosgriff for second through eighth. In April of our eighth grade year we heard Judge was going to all boys, and we would be going to St. Mary’s. I would cherish your high school years. I would cherish the community that’s here. This is very special. It will stay with you for for your life.
Mrs. Catherine Schubach: Well, we both cheer from Wyoming. And my parents sent me to St. Mary’s. And it was always wonderful. It was a wonderful education. It was a wonderful experience. My advice for Judge students? study hard but have fun.”