Are Video Games As Creative As They Used To Be?

May 25, 2023
Video games have existed since the late 1950’s. Since then, there has been a lot of time for creative development, and that time has been put to good use. Many beloved and creative games being made, with some of the biggest franchises of video games like the Super Mario Bros and Halo inspiring movies and television shows after them. However, a lot of video games have been losing their original luster in these past few years, as many game developers have been releasing games that, to the majority of an audience, feel the same as previous games.
That isn’t to say that all recent games are lacking in creativity. Some recent games have actually been really creative, with more notable games like Elden Ring and God of War: Ragnarök earning the attention of millions of people last year. There are still some games that keep game creativity afloat, but there are some other notable games that do the exact opposite.
Some game series are infamous for releasing games that are almost the exact same game as the previous version, with one of the most prime examples being FIFA. Made by the popular yet infamous Electronic Arts, a new FIFA game is released every year, but the only changes it has are not gameplay related, just lineup changes to stay up to date with the new team lineups. Many people have stopped buying these new versions, as they see it as the same game but with the price of an entirely new one.
Below is a video and audio of Henry Krauss talking about one of his favorite games, Team Fortress 2 (TF2). He enjoys it because of the immense variety the game provides.
Here is the transcript of the interview, including the questions and answers.
Q: What drew (Team Fortress 2) to you compared to other games of its type?
A: I started playing during the pandemic when I had some friends who played. It was honestly just my old computer couldn’t really run, TF2’s a really old game, so I could, my old computer could handle it. I just thought it looked really interesting and I was familiar with the fact that it had a really big community that was really devoted and had been playing it for a long time.
Q: So, is there anything that stands out from other more mainstream games of its type?
A: I thinks that something that TF2 stands out in compared to other, you know, mainstream games of the type is just how much creativity and how much freedom of what you can do and a lot of games there’s a couple of different game modes you could play them, there’s some alternates, but in TF2, you can play whatever game, there’s eight or nine different official game modes and a ton of community ones and then on top of that there’s different loadouts, characters you can choose, there’s just a ton of creativity, different things you can do. There’s not just one or two things you can do.
Q: Is there something about the gameplay that’s different that you enjoy?
A: I just think that the gameplay, I think that something about TF2’s gameplay that’s different is just, everything feels really satisfying, everything feels impactful and it’s more focused on instead of continuous stream of just short hits, you land a big hits every once in a while and it feels really good to land the nice meat shot with a shotgun or land a rocket launcher directly on someone.
Q: What’s one of your favorite ways to play the game?
A: One of my favorite ways to play the game recently I’ve played a lot of different ways but recently I’ve been playing this interesting playstyle where you use a combination of items that allows me to basically fling myself across the map in exchange for having a lot less ability to deal with being rushed down by more than one or two enemies. So just, kind of getting across the map, trying to pick off someone and then flying all the way across the map I think that that’s really fun.