How sophomores are going to enhance their junior year

Pierce Isaac and Ethan Haney

We interviewed 5 sophomores and asked them how they want to improve their junior year to their sophomore year. We had mixed responses between the 5 students, some responses were about sports, others were about academics, and one was simply getting to class in a more efficient way. Deng Deng want’s to stop procrastinating and help Judge Basketball win a championship. Benton Ross wants to improve his Golf scores, and he is “cracked at Lacrosse” so there is no need for improvement there. Vakroth Anderson want’s to improve his math skills and note taking. Zack Gordon wants to become a better fielder on the baseball diamond and he wants to find the most efficient way to the classroom. Henry Mackey wants to be more involved around the Judge community, and he wants to improve his approach to assignments and tests because “he usually just kind of wings it”. And last but certainly not least, Josh Hale want’s to achieve high honor roll every quarter, and want’s to get varsity minutes as a Middle Linebacker for the Bulldogs in the upcoming Fall season.


Transcript of Interviews:

Carter Anderson (Vakroth): Can you say your name and grade? Carter Anderson, but I also go as Vakroth and 10th grade. So going into your junior year, what would you like to improve? Mainly just how I go about things such as taking notes and math.

Deng Deng: Can you say your name and grade? Deng Deng, I’m a sophomore. Going into your junior year would you like to improve? I want to improve on my procrastination. No, I want to stop that. Because it really slowed me down makes me struggle during the school year to playing sports. Yeah, I play basketball. I’m a Hoopa okay, go into your next season. What would you like to improve from this? You know, get more buckets. Get more Dubs. Get a championship. You feel me? Sounds good. Alright, thank you.

Benton Ross: Can you say your name and grade? Benton. I’ma sophomore. Going into the junior year. academically? What would you like to improve? Like to improve my grades and science? To science or anything else? Yeah, just sighs you play any sports? Yeah, play golf, and lacrosse? Would you like to improve in both areas? Like the shoot low? Golf on the cross and just cracked at lacrosse?

Zach Gordon: Can you say your name and grade? Zach Gordon. 10th grade. What would you like to improve going into your junior year from your sophomore year?
Probably note taking and finding the most efficient way to class.
athletically. Do you play any sports? Yeah, play baseball. Okay, I’m going into baseball. Would you like to improve? Dude, fielding anything else? No, I’m perfect everywhere else.

Josh Hale: Can you say your name again?Josh. I’m a sophomore. So Josh,what would you like to improve from this year going into your junior year?Well, academics wise, I would like to high on roll every quarter and really focus on getting better grades compared to this year.And athletic wise, I can see that you play football. How would you like to grow? Yeah, I do play football. I would like to get more varsity minutes as linebacker, and yeah, just do my best to that wise. Sounds good. Thank you.

Henry Mackey: Alright, what’s your name and grade?My name is Henry and I’m a sophomore.
All right. Now what do you want to improve in your junior year from your sophomore year in a positive way?I want to be more involved with stuff and try harder and like assignments and tests because usually I just kind of just wing it. And I feel like I could improve my test scores. You know?Do you play any clubs or sports that you want to improve on?Yes, I want to. I play lacrosse, and I want to get more involved in that. And I also want to join maybe a couple of clubs. I don’t know what though, because my fall is not that a full right now. So I want to find something to do. All right. Thank you.